Star Wars: The Force Awakens Lead-Up

Final countdown everywhere- it’s only a little more than a week before the last Star Wars film premieres! As we entire the final stretch of the wait, fans are discussing the final movie, watching all of the old movies (yes, prequels included, because some people like to be well informed!) and remembering exactly what started their love for the series to begin with.

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Keep The Memories, You Filthy Animals

25 years ago, we got a glimpse of what it might be like if we were ever left home alone while the rest of our family was on vacation, and what we could do if someone tried to break into our house during that time. 25 years ago, we got a holiday classic that is not only hilarious, but a warm holiday movie about love and family, no matter how much they may be driving you crazy. 25 years ago, we got Home Alone (1990) and I now realize I’m younger than Kevin would be today, and still feeling quite old. While followed by less than stellar sequels, this movie always plays on TV and in our homes during the holiday season- let’s take a look back at the reasons why. To get you in the mood, here’s the soundtrack to play while you go back to the Chicago suburbs.

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Remembering The Titans- 15 Years of Becoming One

About fifteen years ago, Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer released one of their many inspirational sports films, focusing on a team overcoming great odds and diversity to eventually win the championship game. It sounds like most other sports movies, so why is it that even fifteen years later, everyone still loves this movie? In my opinion, it’s because this is more than just a football movie- it’s brotherhood and bringing people together in a time when people were splitting apart. The feeling of overcoming that keeps people coming back and keeps the movie on everyone’s list of movies you just don’t skip past when it plays on TV.

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A Life So Changed: A Composer’s Contribution

Several weeks ago, the world lost a great composer in the form of James Horner at the age of 61. He worked on compositions for more than 150 films, beginning in 1979 with The Lady in Red and concluding much too soon with Southpaw and The 33, both due to come out in 2015. Continue reading →