The Belko Experiment Violently Amuses

*Warning: Potential Spoilers*

James Gunn has proven that he is good at having fun. His movies, whether good or bad, have always been fun to watch. When they’re good, like Marvel’s breath of fresh air Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) (and hopefully it’s upcoming sequel), they are really good, and everyone enjoys them. When they are mediocre or just downright bad (I think we can all agree that Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, while amusing, was more than a little ridiculous), they are still somehow bearable to sit through, and you might almost thank him when you’re done for making a terrible movie fun. Gunn’s newest project, The Belko Experiment, definitely falls into this second category. It’s not a good film; it is laughably ridiculous and stupid. It is a fun film though, at least as fun as a film about coworkers killing each other can be. It’s not really that original either – this is basically Battle Royale (2000) in an office, directed by Greg McLean (the guy behind Wolf Creek) and written by Gunn. But it’s a fun Battle Royale in an office, and even though you will flinch and squint, and at times throw your hands up in the air because you can’t believe some people are actually that stupid, you will still enjoy the show the whole way through.

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