Avengers: Infinity War – It’s All Led to This

In 2008, when Robert Downey Jr.’s character Tony Stark announced to the world “I am Iron Man,” he (and we as an audience) had no idea what was going to unfold. Now, ten years later, we’ve seen eighteen movies and multitudes of characters grow and develop, defeat enemies and fight amongst each other. It’s all led to this moment – the moment where the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Kings of Asgard and Wakanda come together to protect the world from the biggest threat its ever faced (as well as finally seeing all six Infinity Stones used, for good or ill). With such a large film, there were a lot of expectations that were years in the making, added to by previous team-up films and sequels that attempted to add in and build up more characters (sometimes successfully, sometimes not). You won’t be disappointed by the scale – this is a battle that takes place on entire worlds, rather than just a few blocks in New York. Heroes have pulled together because the villain really is as dangerous and terrifying as he appears to be. And, despite how much material there is to get through and how much we have to settle without, the film never feels like it’s too much. Sure, you’ll be brain-fried at the end of it, but just because that’s how the story is meant to be. As Doctor Strange says: “We’re in the end game.”

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