Pixar Studios Quality Spectrum

As of March 2020, Pixar has put out twenty-two animated films that have firmly earned their place in the minds of children (and let’s face it, adults) everywhere. Between some fantastic, groundbreaking animation, amazing and lovable characters, and some great stories that tug at the heartstrings, there are few filmmaking companies who have impacted storytelling like Pixar has. But, as with every studio who puts out multiple films, there are some that are far, far better than others, and some films that fall short of a large reputation. So I’ve taken the 22 films (and rejoiced at the idea of many more to come) and put them in the order I believe they should be ranked. Now, this is much harder than you would think, since there is only one movie that is actually terrible (yes there is one right answer), but the rest have at least one redeeming quality. If your opinion differs, let’s discuss it!

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