The Hidden World is an Ending We Deserve

When I watched the original How to Train Your Dragon (2010), it was actually a fluke. I was home alone for a couple of days and my parents grabbed me a movie to keep me busy. I had not seen it in theaters, I barely knew about it, and my opinion about giving it a try was more of a: “Eh, fine, I have nothing else to do.” What followed turned out to be one of my favorite animated films, with a sequel that matched the beauty and well-crafted storytelling that drew me in to begin with. Now, nine years later, I feel like we have a finale that echoes the elements that made the story great. It’s the end that the story of Toothless the dragon and Hiccup the rider deserve – sure, we’re going to cry a little bit, but ultimately we can be happy to see them end their journey. I’m not going to say there aren’t minor issues with the movie, and I will acknowledge that they do replay a lot of the hits in the story (culminating in an end credit sequence that actually does tell the story of the three movies in pictures), but it’s not enough to stop fans from loving the result. As sad as we are to see them go, it’s nice to have a satisfying ending to hold on to, and the magic of Berk and their dragons will never leave our hearts.

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