Marvel Cinematic Universe Quality Spectrum

As of July 2019, the Marvel Cinematic Universe that began in 2008 has put out twenty-three movies, all taking place within the same timeline and created universe (there are also television shows that go along with them, but honestly the Netflix shows are so dark you could almost argue they are an entirely different New York). When you’ve put out twenty-three different movies, there are bound to be some hits and some misses, and the MCU is no exception to the rule. So which ones were hits and which ones were misses? My list has been updated to include Spider-Man: Far From Home, and will continue to be updated as it goes, though there is not another officially announced movie for at least a year.

We will start at the top (aka the best Marvel movie) and work our way down. Where would you rank these movies in relation to each other?

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The Foreigner Needs a Focus Shift

Is Jackie Chan too old to be making these kinds of action movies? The answer is no, but someone on the set seemed to think that he was, since he was lacking in a surprising number of scenes. Chan has publicly stated that he wouldn’t mind taking a break from stunts and focusing more on a drama, and this film is definitely heavy on the drama, but he is still doing his own stunts, and watching Chan not only as a fighter but as a storyteller is exactly what this film needed to keep it afloat. It’s not perfect by any means – it would have been a lot better if the focus had been more on Chan, in all honesty – but it was able to stay decently entertaining by allowing Chan’s character to guide and craft the film to his own ends. Whether or not you are familiar with the politics that the film tries to make you interested in, just looking forward to Chan’s next move is enough to keep you invested. Maybe this isn’t a film worth a $10 film ticket, but it is definitely worth a viewing at some point.

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