Us is Proof of Consistency

Two years passed between Jordan Peele’s feature films projects – Get Out came in February of 2017, and Us premiered in March of 2019. After the runaway success of the former, there was a question of whether or not two years was enough time to really create something as intense and well-written. Would Us be able to stand alongside its predecessor, continue to give credit to Peele as the standout he was two years ago? Personally, I loved Get Out. I loved the details, the attention that Peele paid to every moment on screen, the lack of regular horror tropes (sure there were some, but not so many I got frustrated). All I wanted from Us, even more than a horror film that would actually scare me, was proof that Peele was not a one-hit wonder. I wanted to know that if he continued making movies, they would continue to impress me. The answer is yes – Get Out may still be my favorite of the two, but I see all of the same care and effort put into Us, and for me, that is a good start. It’s proof that Peele can be consistent, that he’s more than just a comedian, and if he keeps making movies like this, I will gladly keep giving him money. Probably more than once per movie.

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