Ford v. Ferrari: Promised the Drive

After seeing almost all of the Best Picture nominees for 2020, I could have told you that Ford V. Ferrari was probably not going to take home the top prize. I could also have told you that, despite that feeling, Ford V. Ferrari was one of the Best Picture nominees I enjoyed the most. Many of its competitors were films that wanted to be artsy, or make a statement, or prove a point, and I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with that. But there is a certain amusement and joy in a movie that is just there to entertain us. That sort of movie can be fun for anyone in the theater, not just the people who come for high art, and that’s what we’ve got here. It’s well-made, it’s good for both theater and home viewing, and it doesn’t ask too much of its audience in order to be enjoyed. And, for some people, having some really nice cars are a big plus.

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