Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: The Most Worthy Marvel Sequel

*Warning: Potential Spoilers*

Marvel now thrives on sequel after sequel, putting out each movie to connect to the others in the hopes that this wide universe that they’ve created is enough to keep us coming back, no matter how annoyed we get at the tantalizing hints and wink-wink-nudge-nudge in-jokes that only the nerds will know. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the MCU, but sometimes it just gets exhausting. It gets even worse when they put out a film like Guardians of the Galaxy, because it just reminds us that they can make something this good and they don’t let their other movies take notes on how the Guardians amuse and delight us. Just as Vol. 1 was, GotG Vol. 2 is a cool refresher in the convoluted sea of Marvel, and it amuses just like its predecessor. Sure, some bits and pieces that are better, and some are worse, but overall it is the break in the universe that both geeks and regular moviegoers will appreciate.

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