Shazam! Don’t Think Too Much

I’m often asked why I bother going to movies when it seems like I don’t enjoy them, or when I tear down their mistakes and nitpick the little flaws. Well, part of me enjoying my time at the movies is actually doing that, but it’s also a mistake to say I don’t enjoy movies when I notice the flaws. It’s fully possible to have fun at a movie and to also recognize that it’s not necessarily a good one. Take, for example, the newest addition to the DC lineup, Shazam!. Despite the fact that it is not a great movie by any means (it’s not even the best DC movie, though granted that’s not a high bar to reach either), that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a few hours out of your day with it. Sometimes Shazam! feels longer than the 2 hours that it actually is, and sometimes you can’t help but wonder how much better it would be if elements other than humor had been given a bit more of a chance. Despite that, however, there are worse ways to spend your time, and worse superheroes to spend that time with.

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